Seven Signs of Spring

I don’t know about you, but I am thrilled that Spring is here! Warmer weather, longer days and more time spent outside are all reasons to climb out of the winter gloom and welcome the new season with open arms, at the seven signs Spring has sprung!

1) The sun. During the spring equinox, which signifies the start of the season, the length of day and night are nearly equal, meaning more sun and less darkness!

2) Birds. As I type this early in the morning, I can hear the birds chirping outside.  A welcome change from the cold, dreary mornings of winter.

3) April Showers bring May flowers. The spring showers bring the beautiful flowers and I’ll take rain over snow any day. Especially, now that I have my coveted Green Hunters (a birthday gift from Doug!) I’m actually looking forward to the rain, rather than simply tolerating it, this year!

4) Conscious eating. With the coldness of winter and the instinct to hibernate behind us, I find myself drinking more water and eating cleaner, less processed food as the weather warms up.  When I get bored with the plain, still water, I’ll put a lemon wedge in the glass or pour a glass of sparkling water or club soda with lime!

5) Blossoms on trees.  Here in the Nation’s capital, the trees are starting to bud along the Potomac River.  Every year, I look forward to the Cherry Blossoms, as they bring a beauty unlike any I’ve seen elsewhere.

6) Spring Cleaning. This is the perfect time of year for a deep cleaning of your home.  With shades thrown back, windows thrown open and sunlight let in, dust and dirt has no place to hide! And with cute gloves like these, how could you not look forward to Spring Cleaning!

7) New Spring Fashions. Bright colors and white-on-white looks this year, bring vibrant hues to our clothes as we crawl out of the winter months. Wide-leg pants, maxi skirts, ruffles and floral dress patterns are feminine and fun options that are available and flattering for all body types and available at many price points.

With these Seven Signs of Spring, knocking down our door, how can we not smile with anticipation of what is to come, with the warmer weather and the longer days. I hope that you enjoy yours!

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