Day 9: Feelin’ Fine

… more like S.O.R.E.


The second day soreness from Sunday’s HIIT workout kicked in and I could feel it as I climbed out of bed this morning.  This is about the time when the fatigue sets in — I was in bed by 9pm last night — which is when I need to push through to get to the incredible feeling on the other side!

I changed yesterday’s run to a power walk.  My body is exhausted.  To keep moving and working out for the 30 consecutive days, I got outside, enjoyed the sun and used it as an active recovery day.  To me, active recovery means a walk or a gentle yoga class (no heat, no power vinyasa). It’s something, once a week, where I am still getting exercise and moving my body, but taking it easy to allow my body ample time to absorb the workouts that I’ve done earlier in the week.

My meetings for this week were pushed until May, which means I am here in DC for the lovely 80 degree weather.  Can you believe it? 80 degrees!? Since I’m here, yesterday’s run is scheduled for today and as I type this, I’m sipping a yummy green smoothie.  Sounds odd, right? But it’s super easy and really filling.  Here is the recipe:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange
  • 1 cup of blueberries
  • 2-3 cups of kale
  • 1 cup of water

Blend well and enjoy!

green smoothie

The blender helps to break up the food allowing your body to save the energy that would normally be used in breaking down the food.  The nutrients from the smoothie go directly into your body, providing you instant energy!  Plus, you already get in 4 servings of fruits and vegetables before even leaving the house in the morning!

If you need some additional motivation to workout today (or any day) check out this list of 100 Reasons to Workout Today

Until tomorrow…

Veterans Day PM P.S.

Happy Veterans Day and a heartfelt “Thank You” to the families of service men and women, and of course, to all those who have served our country, to preserve and protect our freedom.

Today’s PM P.S. brings one piece from Culture, Food, Fashion and Fitness. Let’s take a look:

Culinary: The New York Times brings us an article from culinary creator Mark Bittman, on the multitude of uses for brown rice, claiming “it’s not just for hippies.”  Filled with recipes and detailing the difference in various types of brown rice, this piece is a win-win for a girl who could live on this grain.

Culture: Giorgio Armani opens a new hotel in Milan, with 95 rooms decked out in chic decor. Vogue Magazine calls it “a grown-up space, that bucks the traditional baroque theme, found throughout Milan.

Fashion: “Reading Between the Lines, This is a Big Day for Corduroy Fans” shares with the reader the excitement of the corduroy fan club for today’s date: 11/11/11, as it most closely represents the look of the pant.

Fitness: With holiday season knocking on our door, eating is sure to take center stage in the next few weeks and through the New Year.  Take a look at 58 ways to burn 100 calories, so we can still enjoy all the deliciousness the Holidays have to offer.