Day 7; One week complete!

The soreness has lessened and I’m walking again with ease after yesterday’s yoga class.  I went to a hot yoga studio that lead those who were there to practice through a Vinyasa flow class in a heated room (different from Bikram).  The temperature helped to heat up my muscles, which allowed me to stretch deeper into the poses, create space and alleviate some stiffness.

Today is a combination of running and explosive power work.  In between the rounds of power work, I’ll run to 1) lower my heart rate from the quick explosive movements but also 2) to keep my heart rate up, which helps to burn fat throughout the entire workout.

My lower back has been stiff, but after sleeping with a pillow under my knees, I woke up feeling better.  Man, who knew that getting older AND getting back into shape would render me totally high maintenance!?

I really enjoy receiving all of your emails and comments.  It’s nice to know that there are so many of us, throughout the world, in the same workout boat.  The camaraderie via internet make me feel like we’re in this together!

Until tomorrow…

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